Samantha Knoll


Samantha Knoll  

Mechanical Science and Engineering

Faculty Advisers:
Dr. Taher Saif, Mechanical Science and Engineering

Project Title:
Investigating Local Intrinsic Fluctuations in Cells

Samantha Knoll is a graduate student in the department of mechanical science and engineering. Her technical interests include Solid mechanics, mathematics, biomechanics, cell and tissue mechanics, biotechnology, application of mechanics to the development of medical devices. Her career goals are to work for a biotechnology company that values helping people as well as developing cutting-edge technology. She hopes to work in a coastal region of the U.S. serving a role that is both challenging and inspires creativity. Outside of her educational interests, Samantha likes running, playing basketball and volleyball, helping people, playing the piano, attending Chicago athletic events, travelling, spending time with friends and family