Xin Tang



Mechanical Science and Engineering

Faculty Advisers:
Taher Saif, Mechanical Science and Engineering
Mark Kuhlenschmidt, Microbiology

Project Title:
Effects of Mechanical Rigidity and Geometric Control on Colon Cancer Metastasis

Xin Tang is currently a PH. D. candidate of Mechanical Science and Engineering Department at U of I-Urbana and Champaign. He earned a bachelor degree (with honor) from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2003, majoring in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, with advisors of Prof. Shipping He and Prof. Boqing Xu.  Xin Tang earned his Master degree from Case Western Reserve University, USA, in 2006, major in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, with advisors of Prof. Vikas Prakash and Prof. John Lewandowski. His current research focuses on the effect of the mechanical elasticity of micro-environment on cancer metastasis, with advisors of Prof. Taher Saif (MechSE) and Prof. Mark Kuhlenschmidt (pathibiology). Xin Tang's career goal is to be a leader in the cell mechanics field and an excellent teacher to foster the new generations of scientists.